Mocha and Poppi

Mocha and Poppi

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A stormy night in Tucson

Friday, August 13, 2010


I have been away all week and did not do an update to my loyal readers (joke). I was in South Carolina, looking at property and had a near death experience. I developed a rapid anaphylactic type reaction to something while in the middle of nowhere. I had no meds at all, so had to call EMS and be transported by ambulance to the local hospital (????). Actually they were very nice and the doctor was very professional and I survived. So, the moral of the story- my fear of all those terrible critters in Tucson pales in comparison to the fears of unknown denizens of the south.
BUT, if that is not enough of a horror story, Pam was regaling us with the story of her remodel job of her Mexican home. The use of floor tiles on her sink top stuck us as rather ingenious, but we can understand why Pam might be less than enchanted. The really bizarre part, someone took her large flat screen color TV and replaced it with a sun warped 17 inch black and white. This seems like a perfect case for Guy Noir from the 12th floor of the Acme building. To be continued.....

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tucson night landscape

This has nothing to do with the dog park, but.... This is a time lapse night photo of Tucson from my back yard.

Oh the drama of it all!

There must have been something in the air last night as we had several instances of uncontrolled humping. I thought I was back on the old 42nd Street for a moment. One episode sparked an angry exchange involving one of our most dignified ladies. I asked that if this escalates to fisticuffs, PLEASE, someone get a picture for the blog as even I find this somewhat boring lately. BUT, the real drama was tonight- NO POOP BAGS!!! As Col Kurtz said "the horror, the horror"

Logan puppy Beagle

Coco and Lady

This is day 3 of our newest puppy Coco. Chasing the ball, then seeking refuge from here humans and her big sister Lady